Alpha Xi Delta

Zeta Chi at University of North Carolina - Wilmington

Letter From Membership Vice President

Dear Potential New Members,

As Membership Vice President of the Zeta Chi Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta, I want to first congratulate you on your acceptance into the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and secondly, say how excited I am that you are interested in going through Formal Recruitment! My sisters and I are super excited to meet each and every one of you in this fall!

The journey that awaits you is like no other. Although the transition into college will come with its obstacles, the reward is immeasurable. From the people you meet to the places you’ll visit, the extracurriculars you’ll take on and the choices you make, all of these things will help you grow into the person you’re meant to be! I often reflect back to where it all started and all that recruitment blessed me with. Friends from all walks of life, conversations that have stuck with me since, and overall - a brighter and more open outlook on life!

For those of you that have already experienced college, welcome to Wilmington! I am so excited for you all to find your place and your people! As any transfer is a big adjustment, I can only hope that going through Formal Recruitment and joining a sorority here at UNCW enhances your college experience to be the best that it can be, like Alpha Xi Delta has done for me.

Being a member of this chapter has not changed who I am but shaped me into the best version of myself. Our mission of “inspiring women to realize their potential” is something that my sisters and I all hold each other to. Each Alpha Xi Delta woman has unlimited potential and encourages us to discover what we were made to do. Every day that I am given I push myself to lead by example, encouraging myself and my chapter live by these values in all that we do. Alpha Xi Delta has gifted me with endless opportunities, connections, and experiences beyond my wildest dreams.

Above all else, Alpha Xi Delta has brought so much positivity into my life. The experiences from my time in this chapter, I cherish close to my heart and will remember much longer than just my time in college. I wish all of you the best and truly hope that you are able to find all I have found in my Alpha Xi Delta.


Discover What Lies Within Alpha Xi Delta!


Cassie Richardson

Membership Vice President